Congressman Jordan is RightImmigration

Jim Jordan for Congress

Free State of Flashback
Jim Jordan for Congress

Jim Jordan for Congress | Victor Takacs

Dear Congressman Jordan:

We here at Free State of V could not agree with you more. “Jim Jordan for Congress!” We’ll shout it from the highest mountain. 2020 is all yours, and you deserve it. You get it! You understand the fact that your constituency gave you your job in the US Congress. The Dems may have forgotten that. As you well know, in a republic, democracy is carried out via representation; that is, representation of the people for what they would like to be done for their district. Common sense tells us that there is no way a people are being properly represented when those who represent them change their minds in a relatively short amount of time. What is certain is that the constituencies they represent are not changing their minds. Therefore they are subsequently void of a voice in our government due to their elected officials’ stupidity. It’s high time we call out liberals for their hypocrisy on this issue. These people need to understand that Congressman Jim Jordan is right.

We know the truth. They want no wall, because it represents some permanence of stemming the flow of illegal immigrants into this nation. Ever since the democrats saw the data from the 2012 election, when Hispanics voted overwhelmingly in favor of re-electing Obama, they think that power will be theirs for years to come should they continue to allow millions of these immigrants into this country. Obviously amnesty is the long term goal, but this is a good start in their eyes. It’s all about power! How sad.

Kudos to you, the rest of the Freedom Caucus, other GOP congressmen and women, and the President. Your fighting strength is evident. Keep it up! Godspeed!

Best Regards,

Victor Takacs

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