Tag: AOC

Video: Who are Liberals?

Video: Who are Liberals?

They are not as complicated as many think. The reasons for their beliefs and radical ideologies are right here.

Podcast Episode 7: The Squad

The Squad

Four radical leftist congresswomen have one hell of a chip on each of their shoulders. Hard-nosed, impolite, and confrontational, all of these women have been conditioned and taught that the United States is due for a reckoning.

The Podcast Episode 6


Continuing the narrative of the democrat party media, politicians and celebrities are showing the world how truly wrong and hateful they are.

Millennials Embarressed by AOC Video

It’s not necessarily just about her inexperience. She is just plain dumb.

Trump Slams the Squad

Trump’s recent tweets have come under fire, but they are doing exactly what he wants them to do.

Parking Lot Craziness

A leftist Antifa member firebombs an ICE facility in Tacoma, WA over this past weekend.

King, John

Hell just may have frozen over. John King of CNN delivers an accurate report of the border crisis.