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Obama Committed High Treason

Obama Committed High Treason

This is why Obama never batted an eye as he usurped Americans’ freedom and liberty. It was never worth defending. Pathetic!

Dennis Montgomery Deep State Kryptonite

Dennis Montgomery is Deep State Kryptonite

The media love trashing him, which lets us know that we are right over the target.

The Hammer and Scorecard

The Hammer and Scorecard

“The Hammer is the key to the Coup.” -Admiral Ace Lyons

Former DNI Clapper : "They Used Hammer"

Former DNI Clapper : “They Used Hammer”

Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

Obama, Hillary & FBI Murdered Scalia

Obama & Hillary had Scalia Murdered

Eye-Opening Testimony from Former DNI Clapper Exposes the Truth.

Blackmail Making Supreme Court Illegitimate

Blackmail Making Supreme Court Illegitimate

The Hammer Strikes Again

Hillary Clinton Emails

Thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails were forwarded to China.

This is What Happened in Texas

This is What Happened in Texas

The True Story of the Failures of the Texas Electric Grid